Friday, June 8, 2012

yet another beginning.

Welcome! Once upon several times, I started a blog. Well the one I started last summer has disappeared! I am not sure why, but it is absolutely nowhere to be found. I am pretty sure that it was because I didn't use it enough.

So here is a new one.

I am going to start with two lists: 

An update list: 
  1. I finally got half a job. I say half because it is only 20 hours per week; it's an exciting job, though, doing research in the education department at BYU. 
  2. I am typing up my Europe Tour experience. Actually, I just recently remembered about the book-making company/app I have called Blurb (thanks Katie!!), and thought it would be perfect to document my tour journal and pictures in a book. But I will still email the content to family, as well. 
  3. I really miss tour. It was an incredible experience!
  4. But it's good to be home, too. 
  5. David starts classes in two weeks. 
  6. I am loving summer so far! Mostly because I am not taking classes!
A summer goal list: 
  1. Read 25 books (I am on book 2 and 3 right now--yes I am reading them at the same time)
  2. Have at least one more new, amazing adventure (tour was the first adventure). 
  3. Keep a regular blog...
  4. Re-do something. I finished recovering that chair several months ago; since that was my "big project" (that actually ended up only taking about a day and half once I finally sat down and did it!), I haven't had anything crafty to do lately. 
  5. Practice the piano more. 
  6. Keep a clean kitchen (sooo guilty...)
And I am going to end with a picture of me and husband going to a concert. He took work off (since he usually works until 10:30PM), and took me to a concert in Salt Lake. Happy 3 years+1 month (on Saturday)!

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